Friday, October 24, 2014

Life is a Wonder, a Mystery and A Creation!

 I AM!

I awoke this morning thinking about how it is said that life is a creation not a discovery.
 Yet I felt that one is not without the other. 
As I am writing and I empty my mind and allow creation to flow through me. 
Each moment of creation is yet a discovery of the self, of all of life.
 In that moment of nothingness, the void, 
the space I leave open for creation to be in me, through me,
all of me I am creation, I am a discovery. 
And together we dance in this beautiful moment 
cycling and spinning endless waves of this. 
We are Creation Divine! 
Discover Your Nature!
 Let Go, 
Ride the Spiral, 
the Flow!

Let the Magic inside out and play in your Heart!

Hailey Dawn Armstrong

October 24, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


I feel that people mistake being non-attached with not expressing emotions and thus disconnecting from the truth of ones heart.

I made this distinction lately as my mind was convinced I could be non-attached in loving another, but what that attempt of the mind or label did was disconnect me from honoring and expressing the truth of my heart and my emotions, emotions, which only know and desire expression. It's in not expressing that the attachment comes because the emotions get stuck in the body and spin around in the heart. In this unsettled heart one is not free or at peace but controlled by the caged emotion.

I am realizing how a courageous heart is more important than the idea or projection of not becoming attached as to not create pain.

Being free and true in each moment expressing fully is the way of non-attachment and the point of this life isn't to not suffer. As if by passing emotion and pleasure will make you free of pain. It's not about missing out on the exquisites of life to avoid fear of pain either. It's about jumping into love and joy fully and knowing that pain and suffering and fear are all but the parts of this life that allow us to know and experience the love, joy, bliss and peace.

It is in being able to feel both and not get attached to the emotions of each that allows us to transcend the idea of attachment, because we then are not attached to our emotions and what we think we should be feeling. We then allow them to flow and we are free as the toroidal field being the nature we are.

Be true and express your heart and come to know thyself and realize how we are so alike!

Allow your self the courage to feel the depths of your emotions and feel what it is to soar to your heights of being and in this dance of duality-evolve!

Thank you dear ones who have been here as mirrors and provided learning for me to come to know more of what I choose to be!

Make peace with duality, stop running from fear and experience the union realizing we are one!

~Hailey Dawn Armstrong~
August 20, 2014

Waking up

Waking up is not so fun to do when you realize everyone is sleep walking all around you.

You become the one who is crazy but truly part of the ones that are sane in a world that is numbed and hypnotized with fear and fame and fashion... Distracted by memory and looks not aware of why they are here... A Pon in a game they are playing unaware!

I scream wake up
To the fear you are master and slave to..
The fancy ways you've been tricked with toys and pleasures 
To keep you from thinking 
Remembering your path..

I get off of yours and find my own
And you look at me like I am lost and fallen

And it was once said
I took the road less traveled by
And that has made all
The difference!

Because the path I walk is truth
And you won't know unless you try something new how the path you follow blindly is but a noose around your neck to
The opportunity for growth n discover you kill by fear of letting go and venturing into unknown paths of the soul!

Let go and know
That you are not to be sold
And played for toys
And gold
And idea has you slaved
Estranged from your self
And you call it your path
And have never even walked out the door of your parents house!

Get out
Go don't look back!

Have u heard this before!
The master the savior 
So rightly named

When I awake to
You will see
That all you've been 
Made to believe
Is but an illusion
To the purpose and reason
To the fruit you seek!
The fruit of your heart your soul
Is not in the religion or a path other than your own!
The fruit is knowing who you are and that your power is in you!
The path to god or light or truth is straight and narrow they say...
 Ya it's called the one way your way! 

~ Hailey Dawn Armstrong

No permission

To feel
To express
To be all that you are
No more
Giving your power

Sensoring your soul
In that silent place
That speaks
You grow

Shine your light Into it
Out from it
Water it with love

Nature n hold your heart
Listen to what it feels
See all your potential
And share what's real

Then u will know
The part that is true
Authentic you!

No permission
Do you need
To be
The potential
Your hearts seed

Be the tender
The gardener
To your seed
Watch it grow and 
As you do
Knowing that it will flower
And fruit..

No permission to shine
To be sublime
To tell another how much
You enjoy or love
No more fear
Of what they might
Think or say or do
The power remains inside
Of you
To express
To share
To love....

I am you are
We are free
To be the radiant beings
We are here to Be!

I love you, I am inspired by you..
Don't sensor me

In loving I am set free

Free from the bond my 
Mind has chained 
Around my heart
Too long.

And funny thing
I had the key inside
All along...

I am safe to express 
My heart has a voice
And it will be heard
Most of all
By me

I am coming to
Love and adore
By feeling free
Inside enough
To express
The love inside

What else are we to do
To be
Or feel
We are to share what's inside
And as we do
We get to feel
What we are
And it feels
So great
To feel the love
Flowing out

Now I open
The hearts doors
To eternity

By feeling 
The feelings inside of me
I let go
Of my hiding
Playing small

I am standing tall
With no
I shine, I share, I care

For you I also dare
To love to express 
To be soft yet strong
In your boundaries
Say yes when it's yes
And listen to your hearts no!
Embrace your authenticity
Be real and raw and bold and deep!
Honor your heart and give it voice...
And with it set your soul free!

~Hailey Dawn Armstrong
September 2014

Stuffed Emotions

Boil n burst
By fear, rules
N judgments
Stabbing my tears
Of the locked
In pain

Weeps out
From the well
That's been building
In the darkness
The memories
Stuffed deep down
And why?
I don't want 
to feel

How can I express
What I hate 

And why would 
I show you
All of the shit?

So you can judge
And push me away

From myself I have come
Because if I feel
All that I haven't
What will happen
Who will I be?

But a small
And smothered
Picture of propriety

Too long...

In your arms
My own
The lid pops

With it my fears
Diving into my darkness
I feel all that 
I once felt
A hall of memories

I surrender and allow
The loss to let go
In it's heavy load
I am lightened....

We are that toroidal flow
We are not meant to hang on
Or control
Or repress 

We are here as nature does
To be 
to express
To create and constantly flow
Energy moving 
is what I am 
we are!

Let's dance in our humanness 
and realize our emotions are just that.

And not attach our selves to them!

We are that which they flow through and that which created the structure to experience it all and to know!

~Hailey Dawn Armstrong
September 2014

Homogenous Minds

In a culture 
And run by time
Not enough
To do all that must 
Be done

Minds numbed
By the blind
Following the herd
To a cliff
They believe is heaven

Where any conscious
Power is zombified
And chastised
How dare u think for your
Or make your own choice.

That is wrong.

Waking up among the 
Is like being in hell
Where everyone believes is heaven
And your the only one
Who knows it is not.

Finding others 
You rejoice
Oh good I am not crazy
Or lost as they think I am

I am the one who is found 
I am a shepherd 
Not a sheep to be lead

But a guide to lead
Others to awake from
Their sleep

From a story
Past down as sins onto
Generations and the twisted 
Story makes them believe this sins
Are something else not realizing what they are made to believe is the sin....

Anyone who tells another
What to think
Or feel
Or must
Do to find peace or god
Has clearly disconnected
From the truth
It's in every cell
In our bodies
In every seed planted
The animals and cycles and seasons of nature
Tell you the truth 
Without words
Without dogma...
Simple truth and 
She will speak to you
All you got do is listen...

Cleanse your mind
Rewind the story
Awake from the dream
You are not dreaming
But programmed to see

Break the spell
That had you walking
Another's life
Kiss that sleeping beauty
Of your soul
And awake
Yoga your soul

And remember 
You are whole!

~Hailey Dawn Armstrong
September 2014