Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Lost & Found

Right at the door where Love is open,
Fear stands at the edge afraid to let go
and jump into the wonder and experience
more of all it never knew it could be!
And so I say, let go, get lost
and in doing so you find yourself,
more than you could ever of imagined...
that you were Love all along!
LOVE is my HOME!:)
It never leaves me!

May 18, 2012
~Hailey Dawn Armstrong


Today is MY NEW DAY!! A day of NEW CREATION! Today I let go of all the old patterns and belief systems that do not support me to be in alignment with HIGHEST TRUTH. I choose magnetizing and manifesting the most divine light and love, joy, peace and highest vibrational energy into my life NOW!  I AM LOVE! I am limitless! Where there is love, there is light and joy and abundance of resources and opportunities to clearly move forward along my divinely directed path. I Choose to fulfill my full potential. My path is enlightened and I am joyfully supporting myself and am abundantly self reliant in my ability to share my gifts and talents with the world! With Passion, with Purpose, with Wisdom, Beauty and Grace I dance and skip, and twirl and laugh along my soul path. I choose being an inspiration for all to fulfill their full potential at a global level and in a magical and impacting way! I am full of the answers the resources and the creative abilities to manifest a masterpiece of my life! I am authentically creating this life of peace, harmony, balance and clarity now!  I am a radiant being of Light and my words and thoughts reflect that highest vibration. I AM IN LOVE! I AM CLEAR! and I AM ALIVE AND RADIANT MAGNETIC FOR ALL HIGHEST VIBRATION TO COME FOR AND BE CREATED!  I choose having the wisdom, resources, skills, and opportunity to express and explore the totality of my divinity, my creativity, and my sexuality and my femininity! I choose having the healthiest vibrational relationships and coming to know my self and become all I can be.  I GIVE THANKS FOR MY BEAUTIFUL AND MAGICAL LIFE! THANK YOU!! GOD! I LOVE YOU! PLEASE HELP ME LOVE ALL like you love me! 
~Hailey Dawn Armstrong


I feel that in my dying, I sit in the heap of the ashes of my life, I sift my fingers through the memories of once upon a time, each memory a particle, a world and a life I once lived. In a speck there is an ocean of emotion that runs through my fingers and all I can do is feel them and let them go, the ache and the pain cut away the attachment of the mind to the what was... now with each breath transforming and with each tear cleansing every cell. I am renewed in this dying. And in the darkness of my house I built now in rubble, crumbled to the ground a new foundation is being built. This time it will be consciously created from within and with understanding of what I am. I stand up for the first time upon my own two feet and walk and I feel the power in my dragon wings. And I am ready to take flight. In my dying I have new life. And from this day forth I feel a new understanding of meaning of resurrection. Perhaps what is required for us all and that the example of Christ’s life was to show us that we each must die to our Ego and Resurrect to the Pure and limitless essence of who we've always been! And so I say get lost, go within and by doing so will never go without!
~Hailey Dawn Armstrong

What we live for?

What is this life for? To want you want to want to want some more? What is this body that I live in? come play, to fight, to look at some more?  why do you look at me and want me? what do you see? But thoughts of fuck me fuck me just want some more. What is this wanting? What is this play? like a record stuck on the same track of wanting wanting more. Let me pick up that record playing in your mind, that record you live your life around, and around, and around, I smash it over your head. Get on a new track. It isn’t wanting. it isn’t getting, it isn’t give me,  get me, see how special I am. It is help me find myself, help me discover my talents, how can I serve. how I can serve, thank you and I love you, how can I serve you? It is finding the gems within and helping others find those too. Now what are we to do? Start wanting and wanting more? Sitting and sitting right down on the floor. And all the guys think let me fuck let me fuck some more. But let us evolve and let us love, let our loving be an expression of divine creation and with me breathe, come play in this love, let us dance without moving, without touching, let us entwine, let us wrap together you and all of time and be here now. And in this presence of now we create and evolve and change into new being in this thing called love.
~Hailey Dawn Armstrong

We Dance the Dance or Eb n Flow

With in the spark of you and I
The waves wash up 
Upon the shore
Being the foundation to what this is
The shore of love holds space
As the waves come and go
And like this dance we dance
Of back and forth
Each time 
a still point
Adding greater magic to 
The Union of the ocean waves
Upon the shore 
Of this solid foundation
Of a thing called love
We built without building
For it is what we are

As the waves wash up on my soul
Then they retreat
So do you enter my life with power
Pulling back, way back
And in that stillness, content
I meet with you again
And waves of pleasure engulf 
My every sense as
We go deeper and deeper
Into the makings of what we are

Rhythms of ecstasy play with us
We want to hold on tight
To this splendor
Each time we do it vanishes
For the waves cannot be caught,
But only ridden upon
And so we 
In the moment
Stand upon our wave and ride
Like this was the reason we came forth
 The reason being 

In the ocean of all these overwhelming emotions
The consistent is a love
That is deeper than the ocean
And more vast than the horizon
No space or time can encompass the magnitude
No number of life times can capture 
It’s beauty
It can only be lived out and experienced, 
Expressed in those moments
As we enjoy each new wave washing upon our shores
We keep open the door
And know that this love from which it springs
Will forever and endlessly pour.

Where is the logic, where is the reason
Love is this dance we dance
It is a magic between you
And I we cannot run from.
So in the magic of the now
We surrender to the present 
And let it be
And in that open palm
We are given more than
We could ever hope to have.

So upon the shores of love
This foundation so deep
We can move forward 
Enjoying the play 
Between you and I.

November 8, 2011
~Hailey Dawn Armstrong

What is Love?

What is this things we call love, it is in the presence we feel, it is in the silence of our lost souls that we are found. It is in the letting go we discover truth , it is in the surrendering that we accomplish more than we ever could imagine. It is in the exhale we find the desire for a new breath, it is in the new life, and this change of constance we grow, learn and love, and evolve into what we came here to experience. our highest selfs our true and original nature. In this sphere we call earth, we are neither home or abroad, we are in a school, our home is in our soul once we remember who we are and recognize our divine essence. Our Heaven being within, our searching stops and in the giving we transcend to realize it is all about what we can share and give to the world and how we can help each other experience this bliss, this love that we ultimately are. Come to me and let us play, together let’s discover hidden treasures of joy that await your uncovering. In this space of laughter, of inspiration to learn and grow we connect with source, the source of who we are. We feel alive, connected, grounded, sure, unstoppable and creative. 
Come together lets let our selves be set free. Free of fear, labels, expectations and others opinions and agendas. Be in this breath as we play feel your aliveness, feel your breath, feel your magical power that is in your every cell, now let’s embody and integrate this wholeness that we are. And together as a unit, we that inhabit this earth, let’s come together and breathe, let’s be one, let us love, let us see into one another’s eyes and see one self and the whole at the same time. For we are the universe, the stars, the ocean, the children, the animals, we are the earth. And it is showing us what it needs. 
It desires harmony, love, unconditional, everyone to take care of each other. There is abundance everywhere, when you feel that love and wholeness within no child will ever go to bed hungry, hurting, alone, scared, unloved. There is enough of us to take care and love everyone Why are people hurting, killing, angry, lying? Why are people in fear? This fear is old, it is ancient. We must transcend it all. We must be Love! 

Connect to our truth, be in alignment with it. So others can feel that high vibration and desire that within themselves and the whole world will transform from the inside out. We are the inside of the earth and let us all step inside, take a look around and sit with stillness. Let us face our fears, realize they are just thoughts, they are not reality. Realize that with our thoughts we truly create, we are energy and we create with intention and thought. 

Our sexuality is the root of our connection to our highest potential of the divine. This sexual energy within is our divinity. There is no separation. It is how we harness, channel and transform this energy to a state of highest vibration that will bring us all to new awareness of our potential and purposes on this earth. Oh partner of my highest self I call to you. I call you to my highest self to reunite yourself within the home of my heart and with me stay, entwine with my every cell and make me new. 
Help me see my wholeness my oneness my unique potential and gift to give the world. For I am! I am and it is now and so it is AMEN!
~Hailey Dawn Armstrong