Friday, January 31, 2014

Each Moment

Imagine each moment as a fresh canvas 
and you have in hand a paint brush with a grand vision
 and all sorts of colors to choose from 
to create what ever you desire in this now moment.
 Like a recipe or making cookies... 
You feel what you desire to create
 and do so with your thoughts,
 your power of your will your mind! 
Remember your power your light
 you shooting star burning bright in the darkness of the night!
 The pulse the power the light!

I am given in each moment all I need to be experiencing all that I Am! 
As I surrender to all that I already know and feel inside it comes to me... 
Its really allowing myself to receive what I always knew I wanted... 
Wanting to and Experiencing are two different things!
We are that we might have joy!!

-Hailey Dawn Armstrong
January 25, 2014

A Meeting within my Heart!

I treasure the moments to sit and breathe, and sing the song within me. To feel the beat of my own heart the rhythm of my soul. I open my eyes and watch the feather of a bird flutter to through the sky, the leafs as they flitter reflecting the sun beams. Birds chirping all around me, but the most delicious part is the peace I am feeling within me as I quiet my mind and Be in my heart! 

During these 4 weeks I have felt times quite other than peace in my heart and constant in my mind, like a race track. Finally the waters are becoming still. Last night I dreamed of being in Hawaii. The day before I dreamed of a big white cloud and out of it came a black bird that split into 4 black horses that flew to the West.

My most exquisite experience since I have been here was last night while at the hot springs. I said I am going to play with my friends. Left my company and the hot stream and walked to the pool. The pool full of only children. As I approached they looked at me with their beautiful Thai eyes...with wonder and when I entered the waters and joined them they shyly splashed me and we began to dance in a play that my heart had not joined in in years. I received the most profound medicine of my life. To be in a pool of children full of love and light and joy! In those moments I was so home and so present! Two little ones came and asked me my name. I held them on their backs and held their hands and lead them like a snake in the water. 
The little girl played clapping with me and interlaced her sweet hands
in mine and told me her name. Water.

As I am writing this tears streamed down my face as I realized the profound power within children. I have been at Mantak Chias' healing spa among amazing doctors and healers from around the world. The Best! I feel that we as adults go to the Masters, the wise men and women for wisdom and healing, when the real healing and wisdom is in the hearts and beings of the children moving and playing and being in nature all around us. It is their we can remember and see the true essence of all that we are! 
Wisdom and Play have had a meeting within my heart and I am forever changed!

Hailey Dawn Armstrong
January 27, 2014

The Universe I AM

Resplendent: Shining brilliantly!

I am not here to change people, but I am here to Be all that I AM NOW!

As I am growing and changing some of my family delete me from face book because what I post is inappropriate, what to another, and most is inspiring and beautiful. As we grow and change there are those who will be there to remind us just how much so. It’s all a matter of perception and how great for all those who can accept another as they are and rejoice in that instead of try to change another to make one feel more comfortable within themselves.

I am learning that being accepted by a large group won’t ensure your authenticity to the least. And I rejoice in knowing that as I am as authentic as I am Being all that I am that it can and will inspire others to do the same. Perhaps it might inspire one to question why they think, feel, or believe a certain way. And whose beliefs are they anyway? Yours or anothers? As I am traveling and being exposed to so many new ways of life, living, thinking, being I am being continually expanded out of my boxes and when I feel I have gone way out of the box , oh there comes along another aha to show me that WE ARE LIMITLESS and for some reason people keep wanting to put themselves in little compartments in so many ways. There is no Right or Wrong way to Be. But How you choose to Be is what matters and that you are doing so from authenticity of your soul not from unconsciousness or society or family in order to be accepted or approved of  or to feel good enough.

I came to a point that I would not neglect that part inside of me that IS and has ALWAYS been and WILL BE no matter what another thinks, says or feels about it. IT is then that I accept myself, by doing so another can and by then it won’t matter so much because I already have all I need! My approval, my love and self acceptance!

We are each our Own Universe and together we each are a specific note with our own vibrational frequency and the one ness being spoken of is the awareness that we are independent yet a part of a great Song. Let’s each listen to our hearts beat and play our note with the conscious power of what we are! LOVE!

You, We, I, Me the greatness of the all is the relationship we have with ourself. When we realize that We are our own master, our own guide, guru we begin to fully show up on this stage we call life choosing what we will be. Then we actually can relate to another in authentic expression.

In each breath I breathe in and out. There is a tiny death and a birth. It is from this place of creation that consciousness lives and when I realize that I am breathing with the divine we can commune in each moment and then are we truly Being NOW.

It is from our now to the next now moment that we transform. Transformation doesn’t so much occur by looking to the past or to the future, those are workings of the brain the old way to understand, but it is how we are choosing to be now that is pure consciousness with a knowing of all that has been and will be IS! And each breath we are Being what we choose consciously or unconsciously! And the most amazing way to being Fully Now is to Feel what we are feeling and face our fears and we realize how free we always are!

AH Ha!

January 31, 2014
After a Fun Chat with Angela Longo
Tao Garden's Thai Land 

Quantum: smallest amount of any form of energy
Packets of light are photons

Monday, January 27, 2014

My Child

My Child,

 I caress your skin as you swim through my waters,

And as you sleep, I hold you in my womb.

I watch you from the stars that twinkle above.

My moon, your night light!

I await you each morning
As I warm you with the arms of my sun!

When you run along the beach
I feel your feet pitter patter…
Like a baby kicking from within.

I am your mother and with the wind,

I blow through the branches of your thoughts

I carry your worries away.

The food you eat is me.
With each bit, I feel Your pleasure
And delight in each cell
Being nourished.

I am absorbed into you.

It is I who give you life!

The earth becomes your
Bones and blood and brain.

A home for me to more fully
Experience the creation

Your eyes are mirrors
Of my heart.

Those who feel and
Remember me,

They know We are never apart.

They live in the Beat of My Heart!


Your Mother Earth

-Hailey Dawn Armstrong
January 28, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

First DAWN


Today is my First Dawn!
The beginning of a life 
I had been living for
eons asleep 
and now 
to Consciously
from my 
caccooned heart
and spread my wings 
and fly
Towards the Light
the Compass
within my Soul!
For Today
is my 
First Dawn
Dancing in the
 Full Light!

I feel my 

Hailey Dawn Armstrong
November 12, 2013

Topanga, CA

Doorless Door

There is no space 
there is no key 
between the place 
of you and me..

A Look
A glance
Sparks of Romance
Dancing in a Space 
We Created
To understand

For together
We are A Part
What a sacred expression
We are Living Art

Knock Upon
This doorless 
The Sacred Place
I call 
Be Here Now

n Spoon
And Let us
What we are...


Mi corazon es muy rico con miel!!

Hailey Dawn Armstrong
January 9, 2014

walking to the dining hall @ Tao Gardens, Thai Land