Thursday, June 5, 2014

What Happens When...

What happens when....
We get what we want?

What happens when...
everything falls away...

We are left naked, empty, and dry...
when the tears have no more to cry.
We then have space to Be...
It is in this space we can feel
that abundance of all that we are
is within.
Has and will always be
Deeply apart of of all of WE!

It is in the stripping away one comes to feel 
the center
the place to build a true
foundation upon.

From that place of center
a peace in the core of our hearts
 where all life extends
from that central axis point
the super nova, the star, the light
spinny particles in my cells dance
and unite!

They have surrendered to the intelligence within
and let go
ride the spiral 
feel the flow..
from eternity to now we go
back and forth
back and forth
we rock we dance we know!

We are the energy source
the spark from which we spring
their is nothing that can take it away
it is only in our mind that we create the 
illusion that we are not, have not and cannot..

Breathe into your heart and remember
the beat
Dance to your song!


~Hailey Dawn Armstrong  
June 5, 2014