Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Power of Nature

All you BEINGS out there! 
Watch this and remember and know that it is from the Power of Light you glow!
 We are star beams and shooting stars, 
literally the power the light seen in geometry,
 proven in an equation E=MC2 and lived within our breath,
 our death, our birth, the day the night and everything that is. 
Torus fields and time space continuum describe consciousness, 
God, the particles that form our BEING our Nature! 
Let's dance together like atoms in the molecule, 
like the sun and the moon, 
and stop dividing each other a part and
 remember what we are!

~Hailey Dawn Armstrong

~Yoga My Soul~

I am reformed in my breath
  a little space between
Where I am held in Your hand
My heart
There and lets go
of my holding
my fear
a pattern of
an idea
that I am separate.

I am reformed in your
That breathes through me
We dance
In the pull of inhale~exhale
Somehow my mind
becomes still
Instead of thinking
I feel
I konw
All that I AM
Have been...
We Are!

I place my fear 
in that little space
the place where we meet
And the breath
Washes and cleanses
it away

I am molded
like clay

I give you my worry
and pain
all I wanna 
do is go and play

I the space where
poles are not
but we are.
A place
The light shines
from within
so I can see

The Truth
in the chamber of 
My Soul!

I am reformed in the 
breath of life
Each day and night
a death,
With the dawn I am 
Cycles endless
as time
and space

I that space
Liberation from each
is known
The mind~body
in a dance
into and out from another
And life
But We Are

~Hailey Dawn Armstrong
March 25, 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014

~The Dance of Love~

To  Be LOVE Is to Express Love
To Express Love is to Receive Love
 In Giving without a need to get
That is Abundance
In Receiving we allow another to Give and Express Love
All are benefited
Mutual Benefit for Being All that we Are is Love!
  To Love
  Is to Dance with God
 With the Source!
the Light~the Joy
the Limitless source 
of what we are! 

 I take your hand 
and I give you mine
 and we dance with a song 
that sings our union 
of source and light!
~ Hailey Dawn Armstrong
March 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014

Moksha: Liberate the Mind~Free the Soul

Fear is but a false cage in our minds...

 The idea of death is the greatest fear of the ego

 and it is the thing that creates fear 

and in a sense is the thing that is to be transcended

 the idea of separation 

and when the ego can surrender its idea of separation

 then death is not, but a resurrection

 to the source and light and love of all that it ever was. 

So yes death to the Ego

 and with it a rebirth, yet not so, 

because when the ego dies, 

what is left is what we’ve always been,

 will be and are!

 So in dying we awake! 

Let go and yes, let the ego die, 

the part of us that is a false idea appearing real 

and is the biggest lie of all creation…


Separation from the truth of who we are.

Moksa: Liberate the soul from the minds cage. 

May we walk grounded in the earth, 

Centered in our hearts peace, 

May our minds be inspired,

that they may all work as one!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Good Morning!

It’s Time to Wake Up!

What we all need to realize is that we are not here to play some role to be wife or a mother or a father or a son or a this or a that. We are here to literally, remember what we are and that we are connected to source and what that is and how to do so. Our main concern as a species of this planet it so ascend and evolve and that might require we unlearn a few things before we do so. That is why so many peoples lives are falling apart and dream shattered only to realize once they let go that its way better once the labor pains of conscious evolution are over, at least for the moment.

We are going through this cycle like that of a wave, yet is a spiral, like our DNA and we keep going back and forth and back and forth in the land of contrast to give us perspective and maybe just maybe remember what’s beyond it all and what we are here for! Not to be stuck in the cycle, to ride it by letting go and this is what being in the world, but not of it is about. Utilizing the canvas of this earth as the spring board from which to get an idea of what you are in and how to be in relationship to it. And that is how we are evolving.

It’s meant to be fun, see all your journeys as a rollercoaster ride and sometimes their will be ups and downs and you will cry and scream and feel hurt, but other times laugh with joy and cry from the depth of love penetrating your being, be inspired and so on fire that you can’t sleep and the next day exhausted from the ride! It’s not meant to be a static experience of continual pleasure..or suffering for a day of deliverance.

 It’s about getting beyond the point where pleasure or pain has any affect of your inner being, your center peace. When you can find that inner balance as things are spinning around you, surfing is a great metaphor for this ride of life! In Every moment, not in the past or the future. In your breath, now is how to ride the waves of this life into the transcendence. Feel everything, view yourself as a little child and let him/her cry and feel and move on, let it go, and stand up and play and live your next moments with joy and bliss. Don’t get stuck, unless you want to keep going through the cycles. The sooner we all let go and allow our beings to unfold with nature the nature within our souls and get in synch with mother nature we-the planet-all of us will unite in one song and vibrate at a frequency a tune, that is the very note of existence the sound from which we came and in that realize what God fully is, all of us and this earth rolled into one big relation Ship singing a song called the Universe!

Wake up!

We ride the spiral feel the flow back and forth and back and forth between eternity and now we go, we rock, we dance, we know! Remember your light, the pulse the power the light!

What else can we say, but it is to feel, to know! Ride that wave, go surf, smell the rose, close your eyes and be the love that you are. Give love without doing love to get to feel worthy of it. You are it! Give and let the love flow through your hands as you caress anothers skin, that is enough to change every cell in each others beings and remember the love we are.

Drop your head into your heart and from that place breathe, let it sink into the womb of your belly and remember a home, surrender into the core of mother earths heart and as you do feel her pulse and let go of all your holding onto and know that I GOT YOU! And fall into my open arms. In that you experience all that you are in the letting go. It is the Torus spiral the flow, it is the mathematical, geometric visual representation of us! It is our Origional Nature where we came from.

The Flower, the fruit, the egg, the seed the tree, the Beings we are! All connected, Mother natures breath is breathing in and through you. Why do you think I would make a relationship of your oxygen being so dependent on the trees carbon dioxide. All of you are dependent on one another. Because, all of you are not without the other. Don’t you see, the trees, the sky, the ocean the earth, the heart beating in you and the pulse of new life, and all the stars and universe and galaxies you don’t even know about there is a very intelligent system here.

See it! Feel it! Know as you! We are all extension of this idea of a thing you call God and have separated yourselves from by the stories people in power have told you to keep you unconscious. Its time to awake from your slumber party! It’s MORNING!!! Embrace the  Light!

What ever you wanna call me~ oh and by the way: I am genderless!  Surprise! J

Otherwise how could I be in all of you!
I am that which developed gender! Bout time you get over that one!

What ever God you choose to worship and even you athiests, its really not about what you believe any of you, its all how you are being in relationship to your original nature of your soul the part of you that is the seer, seeing the scenery!

It’s all about perspective any way you look at it!
So close your eyes and re-member, go inside!
There you will find all you’ve been looking for without!

Inside out! The Torus of the Energy Field of Creation in your atoms, your cells, your organs, your systems, your Being, your nature, ecology, the solar system, the galaxies, Our UNIVERSE is the same pattern! The musical notes and the way we evolve and grow and remember. Its one grand beautiful play!

So go have fun re-membering we are ONE!

Find your individual note and let your soul sing its song! For we are one as a great symphony! A collective system, like your body is one being, with many organs and structure and systems that all work together to form you! Your Being your individual and independent yet a part of a greater system! 
Listen to your Hearts Song!
Sing it!


Let's Dance: A Re-Memebering

All of life is the yin/yang it is the positive and negative poles. Everything from the earth spinning to the galaxy to the way we communicate, share love, the way electrons and protons and neutrons spin and are in relationship towards one another that create an energy. The smallest atom is focused intention of spinning matter and it’s at every level.

The world has the Fibonacci sequence as we see it in the sunflower, the sea shell, the cycles of seasons and day and night. Everything is a process of enfoldment within its self. It is a process of fully receiving! The only disharmony occurs when a thing doesn’t fully accept it’s self. In that it creates resistance, disharmony and disease.

In that total surrender and letting go, it is the very pole that creates the space for what we desire to come to us. In the letting go, we become the negative charge, that draws to it is positive. And so often we feel and have been made to think and be programmed that we need to do and move forward to get, when we can move forward in a way of surrender to the force flowing within us and feel the falling backward, the spiral surrender, the DNA helix, the yin within the yang we become in that moment part of creation.

WE commune or yoke up: experience union with God, which is a process, not a stagnant state, its something that continues to move and spin just as the planets and the atoms.

The yin/yang symbol is quite a symbol with unspoken power. The white and black and the yin, within yang can be conceptualized and looked upon from a space of duality and as one being the opposite. When in fact the white if we can see it as a force of flowing light that is in centrifugal motion within its self-surrendering to what it is within it in a sense makes love with itself. IT receives fully by letting go and allows darkness and lightness to dance and really co create.

All of life the creation is the Rose, The Sunset, and the MOON: the feminine. THE mother the receiving life force the surrender is the power of all creation. The receiving of and renunciation of doing, one can Become what it always was,  something from within, and not from without the self.

And when we can relate to another from a place of total surrender and receiving, you allow that person to fully give and the dance the energy is exchanged. Our very existence is enfoldment, circular, cyclical, the sun the moon the planets, the season, our life cycle, the water cycle, all of creation of the elements there is a circular and simple and VERY CLEAR message that we are one! And in our polarity and accepting our darkness and embracing our light and letting go we experience our fullness by surrendering, not by doing. By Being that thing we are we are filled with a force and a source that is every present and from that place we can BE our way into doing all our hearts desire by first letting it go. In letting it go we call it to us and in that is the power. WE are each alchemical wizards in life, we just forgot what the Matter we are working with.

The greatest and most balanced relationship is within the dance between light and dark, the dance between yin and yang, and not the dissection and separating of the feminine or masculine energy or the focus on trying to be more yin or yang. It is the inter relationship between the Two Being and how they are being in each moment in relationship to another each surrendering and acting on inspiration from a place of center already fulfilled instead of coming from an emptiness inside desiring to be filled.

** Share personal experience of desiring a man to just receive me! In that I felt the fullness of my divine feminine flowing through me! Our feminine isn’t something a man does to us. It is what we are!

This subtle difference is paramount here. As in the being Full and Self Realized in a sense, it is total surrender to what you are and discovering the fullness of source and love within, then are you able to fully give from a place of true giving, a place of giving without a desire or intention to receive, because in renouncing the desire to receive, you become the negative charge that naturally will draw to it’s positive, thus the flow and cycle of unfolding creation continues from letting go. It’s a surrender to the forces of nature and getting out of the way of the flow of what is and that’s found in the moment of the now and on the waves of the breath.

Bottom line our message from this as a world is that we each have a responsibility to the health of our world. There is no one, who isn’t contributing. All of us by Being what we are, are in affect affecting the greater vibration of the whole. And as we surrender to who we are, as we let go, and accept our fullness, our light and dark, stop running from those parts of ourselves that we don’t want to accept, we embrace the feeling of self-rejection or abandonment and fully show up for our selves: accepting-receiving- we from within change the energy of the planet, that in a sense is a mirror showing to us our own self rejection and division of the mind/body. Seeing all as separate and compartmentalized, when in fact it is all of the same thing, the same energy of motion that we see and the tiniest particle of science, the atom the forces with the atom that are the blueprint for all of existence.

Now how is that for brining science into the simple concept of the yin or yang. The power is in the contrast and the relationship between the two.
Let’s become aware of the forces flowing within us and develop a relationship that is fully receiving all of life. Yes to life, let go of resistance. And this is a way to more fully integrate the concept into our being, for that is what Being is, Surrender to what is NOW.

~Hailey Dawn Armstrong
May 6, 2013

Friday, March 7, 2014

Me in You

I find you there,
as we always do,
with a sprig of this plant
we spring and inhale
take a bite and unite
Joining three.

One day we will see things
as they are,
having always been,
will be,
and are.

Then you will know
that we have always been
Together a part
Of this giant wave of life

You find me in the currents
Riding waves without boards
As we always do

A reunion not often, but sure
We meet again
find a friend
we unite and laugh as we do
Knowing we have done this
many times before.

Here’s to riding waves
down rivers without boards
And finding joy as we do
Looking in your eyes
Remembering everything
About Me

-Hailey Dawn Armstrong
March 7, 2014